Be woman is based on the nature of the sex and also the capacity to give birth one day. Getting pregnant and give birth is a long process. It's a mixing of pleasures and pain concludes by a good feeling. This article will talk about the pregnancy and how and the different risks during pregnancy.
Pregnancy, what to know?
Getting pregnant come after having sex, especially having sex in the good period of the woman. This period is called ovulation. Having sex in this period start the process of fecundation. Fecundation is the mixing male and female gametes. Women know that she is pregnant after medical examinations operated when she notices a delay in menstruation of at least two weeks. During this fusion an embryo egg is born which develops into a well-formed embryo, foetus and baby. The risk period of pregnancy is the first trimester. It is during this period that the foetus takes place in the maternal uterus and finds its comfort there.
The risk of this period is that the probability of losing pregnancy is high. This can occur with a simple physical or emotional shock. During pregnancy, a woman gains excessive weight and develops certain hostilities beyond her control. A woman's appetite also increases as well as some personal whims. The second and third trimester are normal when the woman follows the medical prescriptions. Moral and physical support is highly recommended carrying out pregnancy in women. At the end of the nine months of pregnancy, the circumstances of childbirth can present itself in two forms. Either the child is born by the natural voice or by cesarean section.
what are the risks for the mother and child during pregnancy?
Most of risks occurs when the pregnancy is not followed by a medical doctor. The main risks during pregnancy are miscarriages, premature birth and poor growth of the foetus in its mother's womb. All of these risks are preventable with regular monitoring of the pregnancy.